2009年9月19日 星期六

阿根廷內烏肯省巴塔哥尼亞高原產新熱帶地鬣蜥Liolaemus之新種 - Liolaemus cuyumhue

文獻來源: Avila LJ, Morando M, Perez DR. 2009. A new species of Liolaemus from Añelo sand dunes, northern Patagonia, Neuquén, Argentina, and molecular phylogenetic relationships of the Liolaemus wiegmannii species group (Squamata, Iguania, Liolaemini). Zootaxa 2234: 39–55.

The wiegmannii group of Liolaemus includes L. arambarensis, L. azarai, L. lutzae, L. occipitalis, L. multimaculatus, L. rabinoi, L. riojanus, L. salinicola, L. scapularis, L. wiegmannii, and the species described here. We used sequences of the mitochondrial cyt–b, 12S, and ND4, and the nuclear C–mos gene regions to infer the phylogeny of the majority of the species of the wiegmannii group. We describe a new species that is closely related to L. multimaculatus and L. riojanus, but can be distinguished by a different dorsal coloration, absence of suprascapular spots, and smaller size. Liolaemus cuyumhue sp. nov. lives in marked geographic isolation with respect to other closely-related species of the wiegmannii group.

另請參見Schulte II et al. (2000)對於這個南半球鬣蜥大屬(近200種)的分類歷史, 胎生起源, 以及在安地斯山區的割據分化與播遷歷史的研究.