2009年12月5日 星期六

秘魯之太平洋側河川Río Chira產"紅尾皇冠"之新種 - Andinoacara stalsbergi (="Aequidens" sp. Silbersaum, "Aequidens" Green Terror)

文獻來源: Musilová, Z., Schindler, I. & Staeck, W. (2009):
Description of Andinoacara stalsbergi sp. n. (Teleostei: Cichlidae: Cichlasomatini) from Pacific coastal rivers in Peru, and annotations on the phylogeny of the genus. Vertebrate Zoology, 59 (2): 131–141. [全文下載]

Andinoacara stalsbergi sp. n. is described from the drainages of trans-andean rivers and lakes at the Peruvian Pacifi coast where this species occurs between Río Chira (Depto. Piura) in the north and Río Pisco (Depto. Ica) in the south. It is distinguished from its sister species A. rivulatus by the possession of a conspicuous white margin of both the dorsal and caudal fi n and scales with light centres and contrasting dark marginal lines forming a fi ne reticulate pattern on the body sides. Studies based on molecular data confi rm the status of Andinoacara stalsbergi sp. n. and reveal its phylogenetic relationships to its congeners. The reconstruction of the phylogeny within the genus Andinoacara results in the existence of two clades: one with A. stalsbergi sp. n., A. rivulatus, A. sapayensis and A. biseriatus and another with the remaining species.

圖片連結: Ariel's Blackwater Tributary (photo credit: Ariel Bornstein)

註一: 所謂的Green Terror是美式英語俗名, 這個名字同時也拿來指稱一般的紅尾皇冠(Andinoacara rivulatus, =Aequidens rivulatus)
註二: 有關廣義的Aequidens的分類與生態概述可見挪威籍慈鯛研究者Alf Stalsberg網頁