台灣市面上流通的黃帆鯽在過去經常被誤鑑定為Oreichthys parvus或O. cosuatus, 但這條魚其實是個未描述的物種. 本文根據印度西孟加拉省產之標本將黃帆鯽描述為一個新種, Oreichthys crenuchoides.
文獻來源: Schäfer, F. (2009): Oreichthys crenuchoides, a new cyprinid fish from West Bengal, India. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 20 (3): 201-211.
文獻來源: Schäfer, F. (2009): Oreichthys crenuchoides, a new cyprinid fish from West Bengal, India. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 20 (3): 201-211.
Oreichthys crenuchoides, new species, from River Jorai, West Bengal, is distinguished from other species of Oreichthys by black blotch at caudal-fin base, 11-13 rows of pores on cheeks, 17-19 + 2 scales in longitudinal series, 7 scales in transverse series, blunt snout, anal fin without black spot or blotch, males with enlarged dorsal fin. Oreichthys cosuatis and O. parvus are re-diagnosed.
圖片提供: Frank Schäfer (AquaLog)