2009年9月27日 星期日

印度東北部產兔鮡屬(蝴蝶貓)之一新種 - Hara koladynensis

文獻來源: Anganthoibi, N. & Vishwanath, W. (2009): A new catfish, Hara koladynensis from northeastern India (Siluriformes: Erethistidae). Journal of Threatened Taxa 1 (9): 466-470. [全文下載]

A new Erethistid catfish species, Hara koladynensis is described from Koladyne
River, Mizoram, India. It is distinguished from its congeners in having rough (vs. smooth or serrated) anterior margin of dorsal spine; shorter pre-anal length (58.5-60.9% SL vs. 63.2-75.2), longer head (36.0-38.3% SL vs. 24.8-34.2%), longer post-adipose distance (18.6-21.9% SL vs. 12.3-18.3), and deeper body (21.9-25.2% SL vs. 11.5-20.9).