2009年9月12日 星期六

Brasilotyphlus guarantanus - 巴西屬亞馬遜盆地產蚓螈之一新種

文獻來源: Maciel AO, Mott T, Hoogmoed MS. 2009. A second species of Brasilotyphlus (Amphibia: Gymnophiona: Caeciliidae) from Brazilian Amazonia. Zootaxa 2226: 19-27.

Brasilotyphlus is rediagnosed in light of the discovery of a second species of the genus, B. guarantanus sp. nov., in the municipality of Guarantã do Norte, state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. The new species differs from B. braziliensis mainly in annular counts, having 151–170 primaries and at most 2 secondaries (instead of 142–147 primaries and 23–36 secondaries).