2009年4月6日 星期一


文獻來源: Brown D. 2009. Hemipenal Transillumination as a Sexing Technique in Varanids. Biawak 3(1): 26-29. [全文下載]

巨蜥的性別鑑識一直是生態保育, 野外監測, 飼養繁殖上一個難題, 這篇短文簡單利用強光透視巨蜥尾部鑑識其性別. 不過此方法仍然有使用上的限制, 首先是受測的巨蜥皆為澳洲產小型種類, 而尾部直徑超過1cm便可能不適用, 另外受測時巨蜥情緒的穩定度也因種而異.

A technique for assisting in the determination of gender in varanids of various ages is described. The technique, termed hemipenal transillumination technique or HTI technique, is based around the candling of the tail base using a bright light. The basic technique, technique variations and expected results are described.