2009年1月29日 星期四


龜類因成長進程及性別所造成的生理需求差異將導致食性的轉換, 許多水龜在幼期取食較多的動物性食物有助獲得快速成長所需的蛋白質與鈣, 但漸漸成熟後則轉為素食. 南美側頸龜Podocnemis幾乎都有這樣的習性. 這篇文章檢驗了生活在乾季的white water(也就是含腐植質較少, 礦物質較多的水域)中的忍者龜倒底都吃些什麼. 他們檢驗了67隻忍者龜的胃內含物後發現, 在乾季時, 在可辨識的胃內含物中有高達70%以上是植物. 絕大多數為禾本科的葉片以及木綿科的假木綿屬的果實. 其它在胃中發現的植物成份尚有無患子科, 桃金孃科, 豆科, 菊科與大戟科.

文獻來源: Balensiefer DC, Vogt RC. 2006. Diet of Podocnemis unifilis (Testudines, Podocnemididae) During the Dry Season in the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve, Amazonas, Brazil. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 5(2):312-317. 2006 [全文連結]

ABSTRACT: Stomach contents of Podocnemis unifilis sampled in white water varzéa forest during the dry season in the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve (Middle-Solimões River) had plant material in 100% of cases, with Poaceae and Bombacaceae the most frequently recorded. Poaceae leaves (67.7% frequency) and seeds (21.5% frequency) were common, as were fibers of the fruit Pseudobombax munguba (Bombacaceae; 38.5% frequency), with fruits in general contributing 45.9% of volume. Animal material was consumed in much lesser quantities—only 0.8% of total volume—but had a 37% frequency.

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