2009年5月26日 星期二

大白天躲在暗處眼力會好很多: 不同光環境下大鱗球趾虎視覺偵測能力的差異

文獻來源: Nava SS, Conway MA, Martins EP. 2009. Divergence of visual motion detection in diurnal geckos that inhabit bright and dark habitats. Functional Ecology [摘要下載]

  1. Recent studies of the sensory drive hypothesis suggest that communicative signals evolve readily whereas change in sensory perception is more constrained by the demands of the physical environment.
  2. Here, we find that diurnal Sphaerodactylus macrolepis geckos collected from dark, forested habitats were best able to detect motion in very dim light (<>
  3. Motion detection by geckos from both habitat types declined as light intensity increased above 300 lux. These differences were observed after the lizards had been living in a common laboratory environment for 1 full year and are hence unlikely to be due to acclimation effects.
  4. Light conditions for optimal visual performance match the light conditions of the natural habitats in which the lizards are found. Our results support the suggestion that visual performance may evolve quickly and that the sensory drive process may be best described as repeated co-evolution between signals and receiver sensory systems.
  5. Thus, for animals that inhabit wide ranges of visual habitats, the sensory drive process may potentially act differently on separate visual response properties, resulting in diverse levels of variation and divergence in visual performance and communication systems.
圖片連結: kingsnake.com (photo credit: Dr. Richard C. West)