Paroedura pictus 豹貓守宮 x 1
Goniurosaurus luii 中國洞穴守宮 x 1
Trachelyoptetrus sp. nr. galeatus 巴拉圭木紋鯨 x 10
Hoplosternum sp. x 1
Nature Materials
Published online: 27 July 2008 | doi:10.1038/nmat2231
Materials design principles of ancient fish armour
Benjamin J. F. Bruet1,1, Juha Song1,1, Mary C. Boyce2 & Christine Ortiz1
Knowledge of the structure–property–function relationships of dermal scales of armoured fish could enable pathways to improved bioinspired human body armour, and may provide clues to the evolutionary origins of mineralized tissues. Here, we present a multiscale experimental and computational approach that reveals the materials design principles present within individual ganoid scales from the 'living fossil' Polypterus senegalus. This fish belongs to the ancient family Polypteridae, which first appeared 96 million years ago during the Cretaceous period and still retains many of their characteristics. The mechanistic origins of penetration resistance (approximating a biting attack) were investigated and found to include the juxtaposition of multiple distinct reinforcing composite layers that each undergo their own unique deformation mechanisms, a unique spatial functional form of mechanical properties with regions of differing levels of gradation within and between material layers, and layers with an undetectable gradation, load-dependent effective material properties, circumferential surface cracking, orthogonal microcracking in laminated sublayers and geometrically corrugated junctions between layers.
Correspondence to: Christine Ortiz1 e-mail: cortiz@mit.edu.
Zootaxa 1822: 1-76 (14 Jul. 2008) 27 plates; 38 references Accepted: 4 Jun. 2008
The genus Peckoltia with the description of two new species and a reanalysis of the phylogeny of the genera of the Hypostominae (Siluriformes: Loricariidae)
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