2009年7月31日 星期五


最近幾個月在台灣的水族市場上出現了一些東南亞或中國魚種, 因為"形似"過去在市場上已經為人熟知的物種, 因此被取了一些響亮的新名字, 例如(Elopichthys bambusa)搖身一變從大型食用魚變成了"中華猛魚", 而所謂的"猛魚"其實通常指的是非洲產的Hydrocynus. 最近又看到"亞洲河虎", 那又是什麼碗糕? 市面上流通的"河虎"是產自南美洲Salminus屬脂鯉, 而亞洲河虎所指的其實是產自中南半島的鯉科的Raiamas guttatus, 中文的專名是長嘴鱲, 英名則是Burmese trout. 這是一種食用與垂釣魚種, 其幼魚看起來有一點類似曾經在市面上出現過的翠綠小丑鯽以及虹翅彩鱒(=白金梭子魚). 有關Raiamas, OpsaridiumLeptocypris這些掠食性鯉科的親緣關係可以參考Stiassny et al. (2006)所發表的文章. 由於長嘴鱲是一種體型大而且什麼吞得下的東西都吃的掠食性魚種, 因此若這樣的魚進入台灣的自然環境中就可能會是個問題. 很多人總認為把這些外來物種往外丟不干他的事, 其實造成的效應是很大的. 首先對環境的衝擊與對本土物種的傷害都是難以彌補的, 為了移除這些外來種所要耗費的人力與物力(都是納稅人的錢)更是難以想像. 如果是小池塘, 那麼抽乾池水把魚抓走也就罷了, 水庫呢? 灌溉溝渠呢? 大型養殖池呢? 溪流呢? 根本無法做到把外來物種移除的地步. 放生對台灣環境造成的傷害大放生與小放生的差別, 台灣那些亂七八糟講不聽的邪惡放生團體對台灣造成的傷害已是罄竹難書, 那麼這種因為個人因素的小規模放生就更是要避免. 不少人經常抱怨為什麼有很多魚種不能光明正大地被開放進口到台灣的觀賞魚市場, 除了台灣的氣候條件可能適合許多熱帶物種的生存外, 事實上有很大的一個因素就是我們部份的國民素質(包含對待動物的態度, 以及胡亂丟棄寵物的行為)可能還不到令人信賴並可完全開放的地步. 因此希望飼養此魚的魚友千萬不要因為一時不想養就把魚往外丟, 造成許許多多的困擾. 如果沒有能力飼養成長快速或體型很大的物種, 也千萬不要因為一時的好奇而嘗試.

圖片連結: www.asian-angling-adventures.com

西非幾內亞共和國產河產短鯛之一新屬新種 - 西非藍帆鳳凰 Enigmatochromis lucanusi ( = Pelvicachromis "blue fin")

文獻來源: Lamboj A. 2009. A new dwarf cichlid genus and species (Teleostei, Cichlidae) from Guinea, West Africa. Zootaxa 2173: 41-48.

Enigmatochromis lucanusi, a new cichlid genus and species, is described from Guinea (West Africa). It is a member of the chromidotilapiine cichlid clade, and differs from other genera within the group in a combination of morphological characters and coloration patterns; e.g., twelve circumpeduncular scales; three tubular infraorbital bones in addition to the lachrymal bone; upper lateral-line separated from the dorsal-fin base; first ray of pelvic fin in adult females of equal length or longer than second ray; sexual dimorphism well developed; small juveniles with 3–4 rows of irregular dark dots on body; and breeding coloration of females.

更多圖片請見blackwaterfish.com, tedsfishroom.com,

紅光蛇, 滑蛇與地異齒蛇屬的系統分類地位

文獻來源: Curicio FF, Piacentini V de Q, Fernandes DS. 2009. On the status of the snake genera Erythrolamprus Boie, Liophis Wagler and Lygophis Fitzinger (Serpentes, Xenodontinae). Zootaxa 2173: 66-68.

The genus Erythrolamprus Boie (1826) comprises six species of Central and South American false coral snakes (Peters & Orejas-Miranda 1970; Zaher 1999; Curcio et al. 2009). It is traditionally allocated in the tribe Xenodontini (subfamily Xenodontinae), along with the genera Liophis, Lystrophis, Umbrivaga, Waglerophis and Xenodon (sensu Dixon 1980; Cadle 1984; Myers 1986; Ferrarezzi 1994; Zaher 1999). Although Xenodontini is supported by morphological and molecular evidence, phylogenetic relationships and classification within the tribe have been the subject of recent debate. Molecular phylogenetic studies have recovered clades with Erythrolamprus nested within some representatives of the genus Liophis (Vidal et al. 2000; Zaher et al. 2009), partly corroborating previous hypotheses based on morphology (e.g. Dixon 1980). Vidal et al.’s (2000) and Zaher et al.’s (2009) sampling of taxa of Erythrolamprus and Liophis is far from comprehensive, each including five species of traditional Liophis (only one of which is common to the two studies) and one species of Erythrolamprus. Based on their phylogenetic results, the two studies have distinct postures from a taxonomic point of view; Vidal et al. (2000) only discussed paraphyly of Liophis with respect to Erythrolamprus, whereas Zaher et al. (2009) proposed formal synonymization of Erythrolamprus under Liophis despite a recognized lack of supporting morphological evidence.

Zaher et al.’s (2009) taxonomic action is incorrect because Erythrolamprus Boie, 1826 has priority over Liophis Wagler, 1830. Reversal of precedence is not applicable in this case because it does not meet the conditions set by articles and of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (hereafter the Code; ICZN 1999). Further, attribution of Liophis to Boie (1826) is also incorrect because this genus was established by Wagler (1830). Beyond the priority of Erythrolamprus, we believe that taxonomic changes in any direction would be premature. In our view, this particular systematic problem is too complex to be solved by simple synonymization based on the results of phylogenetic analyses including no more than five Liophis species (Vidal et al. 2000; Zaher et al. 2009). The genus Liophis is rather diverse, and the relationships between the more than 40 species it includes [excluding the taxa reallocated to Lygophis and Caaeteboia by Zaher et al. (2009)] remain largely unknown (Dixon 1980; Fernandes et al. 2003).

It can be argued that in proposing taxonomic changes based on phylogenetic evidence, Article 42.3 of the Code should be followed, i.e., application of genus-group names should be determined by reference to type species. The type species of Liophis, L. cobellus (=Coluber cobella Linnaeus, 1758; see Williams & Wallach 1989) does not figure in either of the molecular studies mentioned herein (Vidal et al. 2000; Zaher et al. 2009). Moreover, the type species of Erythrolamprus (=Coluber venustissimus Wied-Neuwied, 1821) is presently considered a subspecies of the E. aesculapii complex, and is one of several taxa in the genus in need of redefinition. The absence of type species in Vidal et al.’s (2000) and Zaher et al.’s (2009) sampling prevents an objective conclusion being drawn from their phylogenies regarding the precise nomenclatural relationship of Liophis and Erythrolamprus.......

圖片連結: Reptiles Database (photo credit: M. Natera), snakesofcolombia.com (photo credit: JH. Maldonado)

澳洲昆士蘭北部乾燥雨林產線蜥屬之新種 - Lerista rochfordensis

文獻來源: Amey AP, Couper PJ. 2009. A new limb-reduced skink (Scincidae: Lerista) from the dry rainforest of north Queensland, Australia. Zootaxa 2173: 19-30.

A new limb-reduced skink from the dry rainforest of north Queensland is described as Lerista rochfordensis sp. nov. It is distinguished from its congeners by forelimb absent with no groove or other indication, hindlimb 5–8% SVL with a single clawed digit, and five supraciliary scales. Its narrow distribution coupled with its apparent reliance on dry rainforest, an endangered habitat, meets the criteria outlined for a Vulnerable listing under the Environment Protection
and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Qld).


文獻來源: Hadiaty, R.K. & Kottelat, M. (2009): Pangio lidi, a new species of loach from eastern Borneo, Indonesia (Teleostei: Cobitidae). Zootaxa 2171: 65-68.

Pangio lidi is distinguished from the other species of the P. anguillaris group by the absence of pelvic fins. It is presently known only from the Mahakam River drainage in eastern Borneo.

加里曼丹中部產平鰭鰍一新種, 以及塔氏平鰭鰍與史氏平鰭鰍之重新描述

文獻來源: Tan, H.H. (2009): A new species of hill stream loach (Teleostei: Balitoridae) from Central Kalimantan, with redescriptions of Homaloptera tateregani Popta and Homaloptera stephensoni Hora. Zootaxa 2171: 48-64.

Homaloptera batek, new species, is a riffle specialist differentiated by its unique colour pattern for a species of Homaloptera, consisting of a series of round blotches interspaced by smaller blotches in large individuals. The poorly known species Homaloptera tateregani and H. stephensoni are redescribed; the former is restricted to the upper Mahakam basin in East Kalimantan, whereas the latter is distributed throughout Borneo. The status of the genus Pseudohomaloptera Silas is also considered.


Fig. 3 Opsariichthys evolans, A, male, NTOUP 2008-11-459, holotype, Keelung River, Taipei County, Taiwan, 89.6 mm SL; B, female, NTOUP 2006-3-457, paratype, Keelung River, Keelung City, Taiwan, 69.7 mm SL; and C, alive male, Holong River, Miaoli County, Taiwan, about 70 mm SL; Opsariichthys kaopingensis new species, D, male, NMMBP 6965, holotype, Kaoping River, Pingtung County, Taiwan, 76.2 mm SL; E, female, NMMBP 2911, paratype, Kaoping River, Pingtung County, Taiwan, 72.1 mm SL; and F, alive male, Kaoping River, Pingtung County, Taiwan, about 70 mm SL. The photos of alive fishes by Y.C. Chang

文獻來源: Chen, I-S. & Wu, J.-H. & Huang, S.-P. (2009): The taxonomy and phylogeny of the cyprinid genus Opsariichthys Bleeker (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from Taiwan, with description of a new species. Environmental Biology of Fish, DOI 10.1007/s10641-009-9499-y

The morphological and mitochondrial genetic differentiation in the cyprinid genus, Opsariichthys Bleeker (Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde 1:187–218, 1863) have been surveyed in Taiwan. Among them, there are three valid species can be recognized in Taiwan including Opsariichthys pachycephalus Günther (1868) distributed in northern and western Taiwan, Opsariichthys evolans (Jordan and Evermann Proc US Nat Mus 25:315–368, 1902) in northern Taiwan and an unnamed species from southern Taiwan described herein as Opsariichthys kaopingensis Chen and Wu, new species which can be well distinguished from the related O. pachycaphalus by their body proportions, scale counts, and specific coloration patterns. We utilized mitochondrial complete D-loop sequence data to infer phylogenetic relationships within a subset of related genera of opsariichthines, and to examine evidence for genetic differentiation in these two sibling species formerly assigned to “Zacco” pachycephalus and their genetic relationship with other congeneric species around nearby regions. The clade of O. pachycephalus and O. kaopingensis in genetically were recovered as more closely related to Opsariichthys uncirostris (Temminck and Schlegel 1846) species complex including both O. uncirostris and O. bidens Günther (1868) from Japan and mainland China than to typical Zacco from Japan. This molecular phylogenetic insight strongly supports the assignment for both so-called “Zacco” pachycephalus and this new species described herein as the typical monophyletic members of Opsariichthys and the type species of Zacco as Zacco platypus (Temminck and Schlegel 1846) from Japan is sister clade for all species groups in Opsariichthys. Opsariichthys pachycephalus and O. kaopingensis were strongly differentiated by large mitogenetic distances and phylogenetic support from distance and discrete method and Bayesian inference based on complete mtDNA D-loop sequences, with an average mitogenetic divergence of 3.3%, which may suggest that the separation of the two species happened much earlier than the last glacial period. Opsariichthys evolans seems to share the close genetic relationship with O. acutipinnis (Bleeker Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde 1:187–218, 1863) from the Yangtsi River basin.

2009年7月30日 星期四

重點是民眾的恐慌從何而來? 還是說只要有人會怕就什麼要政府都要管一管呢?

寵物上捷運 嚇人還嗆聲【聯合報╱陳保吉/自由業(北縣新店)】
2009.07.29 02:59 am



這種隨性的行為在捷運上應是絕對不被允許,無奈台北市政府卻沒有相關法令可以規範開罰,甚至連貓、狗發出尖叫妨礙乘客安寧,有人出面勸說制止還遭反嗆。(這邊看不懂, 是勸貓狗不要叫, 還是勸飼主叫貓狗不要叫?)

北市府、捷運局應該儘速研討對策,提案立法律定科罰條款,否則危險的寵物攜上捷運,萬一造成民眾恐慌甚至影響行車安全,誰該負責?(很多小孩也是危險的小動物, 擠來擠去跑來跑去, 尖叫, 失蹤, 講人話也講不聽, 要不要也管一管? 帶寵物上大眾交通工具要裝好是一種基本常識, 貓要裝貓籠, 狗要戴口罩. 其它非貓狗寵物就最好都是裝籠或是裝在整理箱裏, 但是若要把這種基本常識要變成一種具有法律與罰則的規束, 倒是顯示的是人民太白目? 還是政府管太多呢?)

【2009/07/29 聯合報】

巴西南部產變色龍鯛之一新種 - Australoheros taura

文獻來源: Ottoni FP, Cheffe MM. 2009. A new species of Australoheros from the upper rio das Antas, laguna dos Patos System, southern Brazil. Spixiana 32 (1): 153-159. [全文下載]

A new species of Australoheros, with the longest snout of the genus, is herein described from small tributaries of the upper rio das Antas, rio Jacuí drainage, a region characterized by rivers with rapids. This new species differs from A. ribeirae and other undescribed species from southeastern Brazil by caudal and precaudal vertebrae counts, and differs from A. ribeirae by having a deeper body and a lower preorbital depth. It is also distinguished from all the southern species by having pink to red dominant males (except A. minuano) and a longer snout (except A. tembe and A. forquilha). Australoheros taura differs in color pattern characters from A. scitulus and A. forquilha by having no mark on side of head; from A. facetus and A. minuano by having a very narrow caudal-fin base spot; and from A. kaaygua by having a visible caudal-fin base spot. The new species is distinguished from A. forquilha, A. tembe, A. scitulus and charrua by having fewer caudal vertebrae; and from A. tembe by having fewer total vertebrae. Australoheros taura also differs from its congeners from southern Brazil by other meristic and morphometric characters, i.e., more anal-fin rays, longer caudal peduncle, fewer total vertebrae, and longer predorsal length. Based on three apomorphic characters (four scales of dorsal-fin origin series, 12–13 proximal radial and caudal-fin base spot very narrow), A. taura is closely related to A. kaaygua, A. charrua and A. scitulus group. Not being included in the group containing A. sp. jacui, although it is recorded from the same river basin.

2009年7月29日 星期三


產自委內瑞拉的綠色直升機(Acestridium dichromum)(亦稱綠色噴射機)被引入到台灣的水族市場大概是在2年前左右, 當時大多數人對牠的印象就是: 特別是很特別啦但是真的是又小又貴又龜毛萬一養死了連在過濾器進水口都找不到屍體的東西. 然後呢"綠色直升機"這個魚名從此就同等於"養不活"+"浪費錢". 但是綠色直升機真的難養嗎? 還是我們都搞錯它的習性?

第一個問題: 綠色直升機真的是直升機類的魚嗎? 在中文俗名中, 所謂的"直升機"指的其實是吸甲鯰科(Loricariidae)的吸甲鯰亞科(Loricariinae)的俗稱, 一般可在市面上見到的類群都是一些長得扁扁平平或細長的類群, 例如Loricaria, Rineloricaria, Farlowella (噴射機), Sturisoma (皇冠直升機), Sturisomatichthys, Pterosturisoma (黑幻象直升機), Lamontichthys (阿帕契直升機), Pseudohemiodon, Planiloricaria (圓鍬直升機), Hemiodontichthys (阿扁頭直升機), Loricarichthys, Paraloricaria以及Crossoloricaria等等. 當Acestridium這個屬在1911年由Hasemann根據巴西內格羅河產的A. discus建立的時候, 科學界對這個屬的魚的認知是幾近於零的. 一直到1970年代以後因為有更多的標本被採獲才受到某些魚類學者的注意. Nijssen & Isbrücker在1974年的時候初步認為Acestridium應該不屬於吸甲鯰亞科, 而應另立一個新的亞科Acestridiinae. 但是Isbrücker隨後又在1980年把Acestridiinae降級為Acestridiini族. Nijssen & Isbrücker在1987年以及Shaefer於1991與1997年的研究中, 又把Acestridium至入下口蜻鯰亞科(Hypoptopomatinae), 也就是小精靈類的意思. Covain & Fisch-Muller (2007)以及Covain et al. (2008)的研究也不支持Acestridium是直升機家族一員的假說. 所以, Acestridium其實是小精靈類的東西, 也就是說, 是體型拉長而且會變色的小精靈.

第二個問題: 在市面上流通的Acestridium都是A. dichormum嗎? 到目前為止, 這個屬其實已經有五個種被描述, 分別為A. discus (巴西), A. triplax (巴西), A. martini (巴西), A. dichromum (委內瑞拉)與A. colombiensis (哥倫比亞). 那麼dichromum真的是唯一會變成綠色的種類嗎? 根據Retzer et al.在1999年描述dichromummartini時對牠們的變色能力與體色所進行的比較顯示, 在目前已知的同屬種類中只有dichromum具有隨著環境變色的能力. 但是在市面上流通的Acestridium是否都是同一種則得要小心地評估.

第三個問題: 那麼"綠色直升機"倒底吃什麼? 在所有的文獻中都指出這類魚的棲習環境是"清澈或些微的黑水, 緩流, 水深在30-100cm, 水中具有大量的水生植物, 而Acestridium通常吸附在植物葉片上". Youtube上的這段影片應該可以給大家一些飼養管理上的想法. 所以現在我們知道綠色直升機其實是一種小精靈, 而且需要吸附在植物上, 因此這樣的生物可能接受薄片或紅蟲的可能性有點低. 因此葉片上的藻類與落葉的表層比較可能是飼養這種特殊魚類的關鍵.

圖片連結: azumanettaigyo.com



經濟部 公告


主旨: 公告修正「限制輸入貨品表」及「限制輸出貨品表」中「瀕臨絕種野生動植物國際貿易公約」(以下簡稱華盛頓公約)動物附錄一、二、三物種清單,並自即日生效。
依據: 貿易法第十一條第二項。

一、 華盛頓公約秘書處於本(98)年4月22日(No.2009/017)通知修正華盛頓公約動物附錄一、二、三物種清單,並於本年5月22日實施,其修正內容包括如下:

(一) Anguilla anguilla (Entry into force delayed 18 months, i.e. until 13 March 2009)(歐洲鰻,延後18個月施行,即2009年3月13日生效),因2009年3月13日已生效,爰刪除「Entry into force delayed 18 months, i.e. until 13 March 2009(延後18個月施行,即2009年3月13日生效)」文字。

(二) 刪除AVES(鳥綱)Phasianidae(雉科)附錄三項下馬來西亞列管之Arborophila campbelli等10項。

(三) 刪除Tupaiidae樹鼩科及附錄二Tupaiidae spp.(樹鼩科所有種),新增附錄二SCANDENTIA spp.(樹鼩目所有種)。

(四) 原列Cairina scutulata(白翼木鴨)修正為Asarcornis scutulata(白翅棲鴨)。

(五) 原列Geopsittacus occidentalis(澳洲夜行鸚鵡)修正為Pezoporus occidentalis(夜鸚鵡)。

(六) 原列Myobatrachidae龜蛙科,修正為Rheobatrachidae溪蟾科。

(七) 另華盛頓公約附錄之修正清單,一併刪除Corallidae紅珊瑚科之俗名Pink corals。

二、 旨揭物種清單所採用之資料,係依據華盛頓公約秘書處公告之版本(網址:http://www.cites.org),廠商輸入或輸出之物種或其產製品所使用之物種是否屬華盛頓公約附錄列管範圍發生疑義時,以華盛頓公約秘書處之公告為準。

三、 為配合執行華盛頓公約附錄列管物種之國內進出口管理,爰修正旨揭物種清單。凡廠商輸入或輸出華盛頓公約附錄列管物種或其產製品,仍應依本部國際貿易局93年8月13日貿服字第09370108950號公告修正之野生動植物輸出、輸入相關規定辦理。

四、 旨揭物種清單另載於本部國際貿易局經貿資訊網(網址為http://www.trade.gov.tw)網頁。


Ancistrus ranunculus 三角錐大鬍子 x 2
Planiloricaria cryptodon 圓鍬直升機 x 1
Pterosturisoma microps 黑幻象直升機 x 4
Olyra longicaudata 蛇貓 x 5
Cetopsis sandrae (=Hemicetopsis Marble Violet, Cetopsis sp. cf. montana) (Rio Pintuyacu) 紫藍鯨鮫 (=紫藍鮫鯨, 紫蘿蘭鮫鯨, 琥珀藍鯨, 紫金鮫鯨) x 14
Xiphophorus helleri 青劍 x 1 (黑殼蝦中挑出)
Ammocryptocharax elegans (?) 草蜢跳鱸 (=綠跳鱸) x 9
Characidium sp. 類似所謂的蝴蝶跳鱸 (也就是胸鰭很大的那群) x 1
Piabucus dentatus 螢光暴牙燈 x 2
Curimatopsis sp. cf. macrolepis 紅尾銀條燈 (=紅點銀條燈) (不是C. macrolepis) x 10
Achirus sp. cf. errans 南美淡水比目魚 x 2

今天的主題是"年菜與糖醋系列慈善之旅". 首先要說說買了一堆香腸要做什麼呢? 阿就喜歡啊, 沒有為什麼, 這種在地上滾來滾去胖呼呼卻又害羞的魚一向是我們的最愛. 這種軟軟肥肥的東西感覺上以三杯料理最佳, 不過目前並沒有看到食用鯨鯰科生物的記錄(當然也有可能是因為南美那邊的人不知道三杯怎麼煮?) 所以三杯香腸基本上停留在理論發展的層面上. 我們飼養過好幾種鯨鯰科魚類, sandrae所屬種群的物種其實非常害羞, 並不是傳說中見到傷口就亂鑽的種類. 如果與其它的底棲魚類一起飼養可能有吃不到食餌的問題, 因此與其它魚類的搭配上最好不要與太活潑的夜行性底棲魚(如木頭貓, 石虎, 囊鯰科種類)一起飼養. 牠們在夜間也有可能因為追逐食餌而衝出水面, 因此水族箱的加蓋也是有必要的 (參考amiidae上傳的youtube影片).

圓鍬直升機有時被認為是個難搞的魚, 其實這條魚一點都不難搞, 只是要弄清楚它的底細. 首先是底砂, 圓鍬直升機與陰陽直升機一樣潛伏在非常細的底砂中露出眼睛, 這樣可以幫助牠們適應環境並且比較活潑地進食, 只要一適應環境, 圓鍬直升機基本上沒有什麼不吃的, 水溫不要過低也是一個關鍵, 不管是陰陽, 圓鍬, 黑幻象或是阿帕契直升機都不是低溫水域的魚, 維持28-31度間的水溫對牠們來說反而是比較適當的溫度.

螢光暴牙燈這條魚, 原本以為不過就是大隻的蜻蜓燈, 而且那麼大的體型也令人擔心是否具有攻擊性, 結果與其它的魚混養到現在似乎也是好好的, 而且還沒有發生那種"透明系燈魚常見的身體變白死翹翹"症狀, 感覺上是一條適合與溪流性脂鯉或鼠魚混養的大型燈魚. 草蜢跳鱸在近三年來有多次的進口, 不過Ammocryptocharax這個屬並不只有一個種, 進口到台灣的"草蜢跳鱸"是否都是elegans這個種有必要仔細地檢查.

紅尾銀條燈有時被當成一條難養的魚, 不過這應該是因為進口時的狀況, 再加上其害羞的性格使得牠很難與其它活潑的燈魚(如Hemigrammus, Moenkhausia, Hyphessobrycon, Astyanax等)搶食. 若能與這些太活潑的燈魚分開飼養, 應該就會有很好的效果, 而且Curimatopsis屬的魚通常會啄食水草葉緣上的藻類, 因此並不太需要擔心在入缸初期是否不吃飼料或是冷凍紅蟲. 所謂的紅尾銀條燈在鑑定上是有一些疑問的. 日本與德國的網頁通常使用一種曖昧的表達方式標記在水族市場上流通的三種銀條燈, 一是Curimatopsis sp. cf. evelynae, 另一則是C. sp. cf. macrolepis, 還有C. sp. cf. crypticus. 所以真正的evelynae, macrolepiscrypticus倒底長什麼樣子呢? Richard P. Vari在1982年所發表的分類研究可能是迄今唯一能夠信賴的鑑定依據. 一般玩家在鑑別這些物種的時候可能使用體色或是尾柄的黑斑是否延伸到尾鰭來判斷, 但若根據Vari的觀點, 尾柄黑斑的大小其實只是雌雄間的差別. APT曾經在2009年3月底左右進口過少量的"橘子金條燈", 這條魚在當時被判定為C. evelynae, 但若根據Vari的研究來鑑別這條魚, ATP所進口的魚比較可能是德國網頁所認為的近似evelynae的物種, 而不是真正的evelynae. 那麼所謂的紅尾(紅點)銀條燈又是什麼玩意兒? 比較過Vari的描述後, 我很確定地認為紅尾銀條燈並不是C. macrolepis, 也不是C. crypticus, 而是接近macrolepis的另一條魚 (在日本網頁經常被誤訂為evelynae).

魚隻來源: 台族水族, 水世界 (民權東路), 石頭水族 & APT
圖片連結: planetcatfish (photo credit: Benjamin Lee KY (Amiidae)), www.tropical-fish.jp.

2009年7月28日 星期二

有沒有這麼白目啊? 連一條蛇都裝不好....可是, 大眾對蛇的莫名恐懼和誤解又是怎麼來的呢?

聯合新聞網這則新聞以下的回應大多數令人感覺非常腦殘, 完全就是民智未開兼莫明其妙

「我的寵物蛇 捷運上溜了」【聯合報╱記者楊湘鈞/台北報導】
2009.07.28 09:04 am







2009年7月26日 星期日


之前看到Macrochirichthys這條魚沒有買, 沒想到現在漲價了, 一隻小小的像吻仔魚要x張小朋友是怎麼樣啊? 我還以為這種食用魚應該很便宜呢? 看起來我和整個社會都脫節了. 鑑定淡水的比目魚實在是一件非常困難的事. 主要是因為絕大多數的所謂的淡水比目魚其實仍然是屬於周緣性淡水魚, 所以想要只由淡水魚的文獻, 或是一般水族圖鑑來找到正確的學名簡直就是不可能的事. 另外東南亞的淡水比目魚來源通常不可考, 新加坡線來的魚也有可能是在緬甸或泰國或是印尼甚至新幾內亞抓的, 想要獲得精確的產地資訊更是不太可能的事情. 在台灣市面上流通的所謂的淡水比目魚其實只是好幾個鰈形目魚類物種的通稱, 在科學上這些可進入淡水生活的"比目魚"在分類上至少分屬鰈型目的4個科. 至少近一年來所進口的所謂的南美比目魚(屬Achiridae無臂鰨科)至少含有3-4個種, 例如Achirus achirus以及Achirus lineatus (參考日本玩家的網頁). 但是東南亞線進口的比目魚種類可就多了, 至少在這一年來所見到的種類至少有鰨科(Soleidae)與舌鰨科(Cynoglossidae)的種類, 其中又以舌鰨科的舌鰨屬(Cynoglossus)與鰨科的寬吞鰨屬(Euryglossa)的物種最常見. 不過因為這些物種在進口時通常很難有正確的學名, 所以在市面上一律只以"淡水比目魚"的名稱流通. 今天我們買到的種類則是費氏舌鰨(Cynoglossus feldmanni). 在google上查詢時可以發現一些錯誤的鑑定, 例如日本的某些網頁就經常把鰨科的異鱗箬鰨(Brachirus pan)(上圖)與費氏舌鰨(下圖)混為一談. 有關淡水鰈形目魚類的飼養可以參考這位日本玩家的網頁. 對舌鰨屬的鑑定與分類有興趣的人可以參考Menon於1977年所發表的專刊.

魚隻來源: 北高雄水族(鳳山店), 永信水族(華夏店)
圖片連結: siamfishing.com, akvarius.no, zipcodezoo.com (photo credit: Grégoire Germeau)

2009年7月25日 星期六

安妮莎鬥魚的新模指定, 以及婆羅洲加里曼丹西部產鬥魚新種 - Betta midas

文獻來源: Tan HH. 2009. Redescription of Betta anabatoides Bleeker, and a new species of Betta from West Kalimantan, Borneo (Teleostei: Osphronemidae). Zootaxa 2165: 59-68.

Betta anabatoides is redescribed based on fresh material from Kalimantan Selatan and Kalimantan Tengah, in Indonesian Borneo; a neotype is designated. Betta midas, new species, is described from the lower Kapuas basin in West Kalimantan. It differs from B. anabatoides in being more slender and having a greater number of gold scales.

蘇丹與衣索匹亞產Nothobranchius一新種 - N. nubaensis

文獻來源: Valdesalici S, Bellemans M, Kardashev K, Golubtsov A. 2009. Nothobranchius nubaensis (Cyprinodontiformes: Nothobranchiidae) a new annual killifish from Sudan and Ethiopia. Aqua 15(3): 143-152

A new species of annual killifish, Nothobranchius nubaensis, is described based on specimens collected from ephemeral water bodies in central Sudan and south-west Ethiopia. The new species is distinguished from the other members of the Nothobranchius ugandensis species group by the following combination of characters: 17-19 dorsal fin rays; 17-19 anal fin rays; 29-30 scales in median lateral series; dorsal and anal fins in males with short filamentous rays; pelvic fins short, tips reaching the anus; orange red head with three distinct oblique bars on the operculum; dorsal fin light blue with a pattern of irregular orange-red spots and elongated yellow spots in distal areas; anal fin yellow, light blue at base, with a pattern of orange-red spots; pelvic fins yellow with a pattern of orange-red spots; pectoral fins orange-red with a light blue margin; caudal fin orange-red with short pale or dark red lines, extending from fin base onto fin rays.

巴西尼格羅河流域產Hemigrammus新種 - 陰陽燈

文獻來源:Flávio C. T. Lima & Leandro M. Sousa. 2009. A new species of Hemigrammus from the upper rio Negro basin, Brazil, with comments on the presence and arrangement of anal-fin hooks in Hemigrammus and related genera (Ostariophysi: Characiformes: Characidae). Aqua 15(3): 153-168.

A new species of Hemigrammus is described from the rio Tiquié, a tributary of the rio Uaupés, upper rio Negro basin, Amazonas, Brazil. The new species can be distinguished from all congeners by the presence (in life specimens) of an orange blotch, situated between the two dark humeral blotches, immediately ahead and slightly above the posterior, darker second humeral blotch. Additionally, the new species can be distinguished from all congeners, except H. haraldi, H. luelingi, H. neptunus, H. ocellifer, H. pretoensis, and H. pulcher, by the possession of two humeral blotches. It can be distinguished from these species by lacking a blotch on the caudal peduncle (vs. caudal peduncle blotch present). A monophyletic group within Hemigrammus, the Hemigrammus ocellifer species-group, encompassing the new species, plus Hemigrammus ocellifer, H. neptunus, H. guyanensis, H. luelingi, H. pulcher, and H. haraldi, is proposed, based on the shared possession of a derived hook arrangement in the anal-fin of mature males and some pigmentary features. A discussion of the hooks’ presence and arrangement within the genus Hemigrammus and in the related genera Parapristella and Petitella is presented, based on an extensive examination of specimens belonging to these genera. It is hypothesized that the close association between anal-fin hooks and dense, presumably secretory tissue, found in all Hemigrammus, Parapristella, Petitella, and Hyphessobrycon species examined, is a mechanism to facilitate cell rupture, enhancing the setting free of cell secretions.

2009年7月24日 星期五


說實在的, 那麼大一大顆, 馬力那麼弱好像尿失禁鎖不住一樣, 動不動不是桶身, 扣環, 就是止逆閥漏水, 所有的管子都很容易鬆脫. 所以市售的圓桶過濾器倒底還有一個牌子是可以用的? 真的要逼我去買貴三三而且一樣是MIC的E牌圓桶嗎? 現在是怎樣啊, 為什麼許多的水族器材都變得十分不耐用而且感覺像垃圾一樣呢?

Phallobrycon adenacanthus - 於巴西辛古河流域發現體內授精之新種脂鯉

文獻來源: Menezes NA, Ferreira KM, Netto-Ferreira AL. 2009. A new genus and species of inseminating characid fish from the rio Xingu basin. (Characiformes: Characidae). Zootaxa 2167: 47-58.

Phallobrycon adenacanthus, is described as a new genus and species belonging to Clade A characids of Malabarba & Weitzman (2003). The new taxon is the only characid possessing two developed spines on unbranched portions of fifth, sixth and seventh anal-fin rays associated with intumescent glandular tissue on the anterior portion of the anal fin of sexually mature males. Other non-exclusive diagnostic features of the new genus (observed in male specimens) are: urogenital papilla modified into a copulatory organ, absence of pelvic-fin hooks and glandular tissue not organized into an organ. The presence of these features in members of Clade A and other characids is discussed in order to hypothesize the relationships of Phallobrycon.


文獻來源: Hutschinson MN, Doughty P, Oliver PM. 2009. Taxonomic revision of the stone geckos (Squamata: Diplodactylidae: Diplodactylus) of southern Australia. Zootaxa 2167: 25-46. [全文下載]

The stone geckos of the Diplodactylus vittatus species-group are robust terrestrial geckos, mainly distributed through the southern half of Australia. Recent molecular analyses indicate that the current taxonomy significantly under-represents the true diversity in this group. Here we assess the morphological variation in the currently recognized species D. vittatus and D. granariensis, including the subspecies D. g. rex. We redescribe D. vittatus and D. granariensis, resurrect D. furcosus from the synonymy of D. vittatus and describe D. calcicolus sp. nov. and D. wiru sp. nov. from semiarid habitats in western and southern Australia. Other than D. g. rex, most taxa are very similar for such characters as scalation, body and tail shape and size, but colour patterns show species-specific modal conditions, and the largely allopatric distributions mean that most areas support only one or two species which can be distinguished through a combination of characters. Further genetic data is required to resolve the systematic status and geographic distribution of additional deeply divergent genetic lineages in eastern Australia.

機場查獲保育類龜21隻 全案移送法辦

機場查獲保育類龜21隻 全案移送法辦
中央社 更新日期:"2009/07/22 18:27"




台北關稅局指出,這次查獲的保育類陸、澤龜兩大類,計有安哥洛卡象龜(學名:Geochelone yniphora)2隻、射紋龜(學名:Geochelone radiata )12隻及哈米頓氏龜(學名:Geoclemys hamiltonii)7隻,都屬保育等級1級稀有動物;其中安哥洛卡象龜,連原生地馬達加斯加島現存數量也不到1000隻,非常珍稀。

2009年7月23日 星期四


Corydoras tukano 亞瑟鼠 x 6
Corydoras bondi
邦迪鼠 x 5

Characidae spp. 從月光鼠中挑出之雜燈 x 3
Curimatopsis sp. 從月光鼠中挑出之雜燈 x 1 (最上圖)

今天的主題是, Corydoras bondi倒底是什麼樣的魚? 最近在市場上流通的魚真的是bondi嗎? Steven Grant曾在2002年出刊的Cat Chat上寫過一篇文章, 解釋所謂的bondi這條鼠以及其它近緣種例如sipaliwinicoppenamensis的來龍去脈. 他首先指出Seuss書上的bondi其實應該是sipaliwini, 但是他整篇文章說不出倒底bondi, sipaliwinicoppenamensis應該長什麼樣子, 最後又牽拖一堆根本不像的鼠魚, 只是擺了一些照片寫一些疑神疑鬼的文字. 所以最後我的想法是 - 寫了和沒寫一樣. 如果就原始描述與模式標本的比較來說, 這次進口的魚隻比較吻合一般對bondi的共識. 不過Grant的文章中所顯示的"產地不明的bondi Trilineate"倒是很有趣, 另我想到最近進口的"阿克利鼠"(但其實不是). 有興趣的人可以參考看看.

魚隻來源: 華洋水族, 石頭水族 & APT
圖片連結: otsuka-nettaigyo.com, All Catfish Species Inventory,

2009年7月22日 星期三


2009.07.22 08:37 pm







【2009/07/22 聯合報】


文獻來源: Giri VB, Bauer AM, Gaikwad KS. 2009. A new ground-dwelling species of Cnemaspis Strauch (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from the northern Western Ghats, Maharashtra, India. Zootaxa 2164: 49-60.

A new species of gecko of the genus Cnemaspis is described from the forests of the Western Ghats region of Maharashtra. Cnemaspis kolhapurensis sp. nov. is diagnosable by the following combination of characters: dorsal scales homogenous, small and feebly keeled; no spine-like tubercles on flanks, ventrals smooth, imbricate, 20–23 scale rows across venter, between lowest rows of dorsal scales. Supralabial I narrowly contacting nasal. Paired postmentals separated by one or two enlarged gular scales. A continuous series of 24–28 precloacal-femoral pores. The continuous series of precloacal and femoral pores exhibited by this species is unique among Indian members of the genus.

2009年7月21日 星期二

Devario aesculapii - 緬甸西南部產大斑馬之一新種

文獻來源: Kullander SO, Fang F. 2009. Danio aesculapii, a new species of danio from south-western Myanmar
(Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Zootaxa 2164: 41-48. [全文下載]

Danio aesculapii, new species, is described from small rivers on the western slope of the Rakhine Yoma in south-western Myanmar. It is superficially similar to D. choprae from northern Myanmar in having a series of vertical bars anteriorly on the side, but differs from it and other species of Danio in having six instead of seven or more branched dorsal-fin rays, and from all other species of Danio except D. erythromicron and D. kerri in having 12 instead of 10 or 14 circumpeduncular scale rows.

Devario xyrops - 緬甸西南部產大斑馬之一新種 (=Devario TW02)

文獻來源: Fang F, Kullander SO. 2009. Devario xyrops, a new species of danionine fish from south-western Myanmar (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Zootaxa 2164: 33-40. [全文下載]

Devario xyrops is described from small rivers on the western slope of the Rakhine Yoma in south-western Myanmar. It is distinguished from all other species in the genus except D. anomalus by its colour pattern including a dark blotch or condensed series of vertical bars anteriorly on the side, separate from a posterior dark horizontal band; and distinguished from D. anomalus in particular by deeper body (29.9–35.8% SL, vs. 25.0–26.8 % SL) and fewer lateral line scales (31–33, modally 32 vs. 33–35, modally 34).

圖片連結: Danios.info